How to Make Your Roof Eco-Friendly

As we just touched upon, installing an energy-efficient upgrade like solar panels is one smart way to make your roof more eco-friendly. Focusing on the sustainability of your roofing structure in both energy efficiency and material choice is an effective way to benefit the environment and your wallet at the same time.

Benefits of an environmentally friendly roof:

  • Lower costs for heating and cooling.
  • Better water and air quality.
  • Less household health and allergy issues.
  • More resistance to wear and tear with stronger materials.
  • May qualify for an Energy Star Tax Credit.
  • Improved value of your home or business.

When building a property for the first time, you can focus on energy efficiency as a top priority with your selection in green building materials. New trends in green construction include using recycled denim as wall insulation, as well as recycled lumber for studs.

New home and business constructions can also be designed for energy-efficiency with the installation of energy-saving appliances, improved interior ventilation, south-facing windows to utilize the sun’s energy, and additional shade trees to reduce heat in summer months.

As mentioned above, skylights can also be used to cut down on electricity use during daytime hours.

Other energy-efficient and eco-friendly roofing materials include:

  • Solar Shingles: Made from photovoltaic cells, solar shingles will collect energy from the sun to use as household or business electricity. Even the installation of a few solar shingles can make a difference in reducing a property’s energy burden.
  • Recycled Composite Shingles: Synthetic shingles manufactured from recycled materials, like old tires and plastic, can be used as eco-friendly roofing materials. Many recycled shingles can be crafted to mimic asphalt, slate, and cedar shake shingles, while benefiting the environment.
  • Fiber Cement Shingles: Fiber cement shingles are made to look like traditional roofing materials, yet they are manufactured from recycled paper pulp and locally sourced cement. The finished product has the weight of a tile with the attractive look of a shingle.
  • Reclaimed Wood: If building codes permit, you can construct a roof with reclaimed wood or natural stone instead of manufactured shingles. Lifespans and costs of such building materials will vary greatly, especially compared to traditional shingles; make sure to research a material in detail before installation.